Salamanders of Indiana

Frogs and Toads
Latin Name Common Name Distribution Status Photo
Ambystoma barbouri Streamside Salamander Southeast Portion Common NA
Ambystoma jeffersonianum Jefferson's Salamander Southern Half except for the Western Border Common
Ambystoma laterale Blue-spotted Salamander Northern Third State Species of Special Concern NA
Ambystoma maculatum Spotted Salamander Statewide except Northwest Corner Common
Ambystoma opacum Marbled Salamander Southwest Half, Northeast Portion, and Porter and La Porte Counties Common
Ambystoma talpoideum Mole Salamander Posey County Newly Discovered NA
Ambystoma texanum Small-mouthed Salamander Statewide except Northwest and Southeast Corners Common NA
Ambystoma tigrinum Tiger Salamander Statewide Locally Common
Aneides aeneus Green Salamander Crawford County State Endangered NA
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Eastern Hellbender Washington County State Endangered
Desmognathus fuscus Northern Dusky Salamander Southeast Portion Common
Eurycea cirrigera Southern Two-lined Salamander Statewide except for the Northern Third and Southwest Corner Common
Eurycea longicauda Long-tailed Salamander Southern Half except for the Southwest Corner Common
Eurycea lucifuga Cave Salamander Southern Half except for the Western Border Common
Hemidactylium scutatum Four-toed Salamander Northern Two-thirds except for the Northwest Prairies State Endangered NA
Necturus maculosus Common Mudpuppy Statewide State Species of Special Concern NA
Notophthalmus viridescens Red-spotted Newt Statewide Common
Plethodon cinereus Red-backed Salamander Statewide except Northeast Portion Common
Plethodon dorsalis Zigzag Salamander South-central and West-central Portions Common
Plethodon glutinosus Slimy Salamander Southern Half Common
Plethodon richmondi Ravine Salamander Southeast Corner Uncommon NA
Pseudotriton ruber Red Salamander Floyd County Possibly Extirpated NA
Siren intermedia Lesser Siren Southwest and Northwest Portions Uncommon NA